Idaho Huckleberries, Mountain Wildflowers, and Morel Mushroom Hunting!
By Mitch Vaughan | Feb 25, 2022
There is so much to love about Idaho, from endless summer recreation, to skiing the white fluffy stuff in winter. But what about Spring in Idaho? Many people overlook the many activities and the beautiful rebirth of summer in the Spring. We’ll share some secrets in this blog about why visiting Tamarack Resort in the Spring might just be the best season!
Let’s start with the luscious mountain wildflowers of Idaho. Once the snow melts away in early May, the valley floor is brought back to life with blossoming Ragged Robin and Fireweed. The forests are also renewed with luscious green leaves and sprouting new branches. As Spring evolves to early June, the mountain wildflowers begin to blossom producing many edible fruits. Wild strawberries, huckleberries, and thistle berries can all be found on West Mountain, along Tamarack’s hiking trails.
Huckleberries in particular grow in abundance in the meadows at Tamarack. Officially named the state fruit of Idaho in 2010, this natural sweet treat is perfect for the whole family to get out on the trails and hunt!
Another fun hunt is for Morel mushrooms! After a nice Spring rain, once all the snow has melted, they pop up all-over West Mountain. Try looking under trees and on Westward facing slopes that receive plenty of sunlight. It is a fun adventure for the family to head out on the meadow trails and search high and low for Morel mushrooms and other edible fruits.
You may only think of the Idaho mountains as a summer destination, but don’t forget about the many unique activities in the Spring. We can’t wait to show you the rebirth of summer here at Tamarack Resort.