Free Creatures, feat. The Rap Hippy

To celebrate a day of freedom, how could we not invite Free Creatures to play for our 4th of July Festival?!

Marv Ellis’ latest flavor fusion, Umami music. A fresh blend of thumpin’ trancey upright bass, psychedelic electric guitar solos, heavily danceable Hip Hop beats with vintage jazz samples, and uplifting and intelligent lyrics, all driven by beautiful vocals and harmonies.

When Emily Turner’s voice is poured over smooth upright bass, and blended effortlessly into Marv Ellis’s vocals and beats on MPC, it emits a high energy set full of vintage everything from shlumpin’ dance beats to playfully uplifting lyrics and harmonies. Skyler Squglio on electric guitar is the secret ingredient with his harmonic sauce and upside-down left-handed shred.

This power trio melts faces and is rapidly gaining a following everywhere they go.

Opening up for them is DJ The Rap Hippy.

Not only will we have amazing music, but there will be a DIY Yard Game Faire on the lawn, as well as Tamarack’s attempt to break the world record’s largest water gun fight!

Bring your own water weapon and be prepared to get soaked!

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